You don’t need to spend a lot of money on services to make you satisfied with your trip to the `country of Golden Temples`, just pocket the 7 experience suggestions below and you will be able to imagine life in this country.
1. Drink fruit smoothies
An effective way to combat the heat in Thailand is fruit smoothies.
Colorful cups of fresh fruit are neatly arranged on the shelves.
2. Ride a tuk-tuk
Colorful tuk-tuks are driven at a fairly fast speed of about 60km/h.
Tuk-tuk is a typical vehicle in Thailand.
3. Eat fresh fish on the beach
Instead of having lunch in a fancy restaurant, enjoy something completely different.
Fresh fish and sea crabs are sold at a roadside stall.
4. Sightseeing by longtail boat
Thailand has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the best way to see them is by taking a longtail boat, also known as a water taxi.
The long-tail boat moves slowly so you can visit the scenic surroundings.
5. Visit the night market
In Thailand, there are many night markets scattered everywhere with stalls selling delicious clothes, jewelry and food.
The night market is a place that sells many beautiful things.
6. Eat an ice cream sandwich
Ice cream sandwiches are a famous traditional dessert in Thailand.
Ice cream sandwiches are a traditional dessert in Thailand.
7. Stay in a beach hut
Thailand has many types of motels like this and this is an optimal choice for your trip.
The beach hut has a modest area but brings coziness.
Thao Nghi
Photo: Allwomenstalk