Originally a little-known webcomic series created on the internet by author ONE since 2009, One Punch Man quickly took off and became a phenomenon on social networks.
According to the plot from author ONE, Saitama becomes extremely powerful after 3 years of training and `plowing` hard.
In fact, after only about 1 year and 6 months of training, Saitama was already terrible, even though he was not as dominant as he is now.
As in the photo, we can see that, after only 1 year, he started showing signs of hair loss.
This is clearly not a bad achievement at all, because even S-class heroes cannot easily defeat Demon-level monsters quickly.
In a CD Drama section released in Japan, author ONE partly revealed more about this guy’s strength when he was only in the training phase.
It can be said that this is one of the significant evidences to confirm Saitama’s strength.
Just a small encounter with Tatsumaki can confirm that S-level heroes have absolutely no chance of playing solo with Saitama, even though he has only been practicing for half a year and has not yet completed his power as follows.
Readers can discuss One Punch Man as well as other manga – anime works HERE.