If you want your kids to be smarter, apply the following tips:
Regularly tell stories and read books and newspapers to your children
Books, newspapers, and fairy tales are invaluable treasures of knowledge that any child needs to discover, even if they are not yet literate.
Read books with your children to help them develop memory and imagination – Photo: kaiserpermanente.org
Therefore, parents should help children form the habit of listening to adults read books, stories, or reading them themselves when they are literate, whether at school or at home.
Be exposed to music early and often
According to a study by scientists at the University of Toronto, music has a great effect in raising children’s IQ and increasing their memory ability.
There are many ways to expose your baby to music: parents can start a new day with their baby with the song `Wake up, wake up quickly…` or play music during meals, or sing.
Let children play intellectual games
Games such as chess, checkers, crosswords, numbers, sondoku, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, puzzles, finding a way in a maze… are all brain training.
Spend a lot of time learning the rules of the game and playing these games with your child. You will have time to understand your child better and help them develop their brain.
Let your baby come into contact with the outside world
Let children have more contact with the world around them, thanks to which their souls become more excited, brilliant and lively.
For example, at home, parents let children play with clay, cut paper, stack colored blocks… these new contacts will help children develop their creativity.
Or you can take your child for a walk and take him to more crowded places like the supermarket or playground.
Minimize letting your baby watch TV because this will not stimulate their creativity and experience.
Be strict with children’s requests
If the mother always responds immediately and immediately to all the terms and demands of her child, then you will fail in teaching your child.
Experts advise women to encourage children to think about those requests in advance: `Do you think it should be like that?
According to Webphunu.net