So that doctors and nurses don’t become ‘starving, sleep-deprived angels’

So that doctors and nurses don't become 'starving, sleep-deprived angels' 8

(Opinion articles do not necessarily coincide with’s views.)

For a long time, I have always been opposed to criticism about the medical profession. Sometimes, even unintentionally, people have an extremely distorted view of doctors and nurses.

Everyone understands: how difficult and strenuous is it to learn and do a medical profession?

Many hospitals have had to become financially independent.

>> ‘Don’t use your monthly salary to judge the conscience of doctors because they also need money to live’

When the pandemic hit, it was true that the role of doctors and medical staff was much more appreciated by society.

Behind doctors and nurses, there are also families and private lives.

>> Share your article for the Opinion page here.

Doctor’s salary ‘some are hungry, some are full’

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